Agriculture genomics, also known as agrigenomics, is commonly referred to as animal genetic testing, plant genetic testing, livestock genetic testing or crop genetic testing. Agrigenomics help you obtain and understand genomic information or DNA retrieved from common crops and livestock in agriculture, as well as identify community microbial populations that have relevance in agriculture. CEN4GEN agrigenomics services support you in better understanding traits from crops and livestock. We further assist you in identifying with higher sensitivity and accuracy community microbial populations in the native environment such as soil or animal saliva, without the need to culture samples. We support farmers, breeders and scientists in finding genetic medical conditions, and desirable or advantageous traits that would inevitably benefit crop and livestock production, as well as provide improved incentives for the agricultural economy.
CEN4GEN supports your agrigenomics research by using quality, efficient, cost-effective and leading-edge technologies with a team of experienced scientists in multidisciplinary genomics research. CEN4GEN agrigenomics services include:
CEN4GEN agriculture genomics services are for research purposes only.
For more information and a quote, please contact [email protected] and include a description of your service needs.