Each dog and cat has its own unique genetic potential. Whether you are a pet owner, veterinarian or a pet breeder, understanding that genetic potential, gives you insight into your pet’s health, its breeding potential, its healthcare treatment and its future thereby significantly helping the financial and emotional investment that you have with your pet.
CEN4GEN cutting edge dog and cat genetic testing / DNA testing services screen for a variety of traits, as well as preventable inherited medical conditions that can help you as a pet owner as well as a veterinarian in the diagnosis as well as prevention of a suspected inherited medical condition that your pet could potentially have. It will also help a breeder to select the most appropriate mates to produce healthy offsprings, thereby increasing the success of your breeding program.
It is recommended that a dog or cat gets tested: a) before a dog or cat is subjected to a breeding program, b) before you invest in buying a dog or cat, or c) if your dog or cat begins to show symptoms that could be of a potential inherited medical condition / disease.
At CEN4GEN we offer a very comprehensive Dog and Cat Genetic testing / DNA testing services with:
- > 200 inherited health conditions examined in canines.
- > 35 inherited health conditions examined in felines.
- > 30 inherited traits examined in canines.
- > 10 inherited traits examined in felines.
- Support for > 350 pure breeds of canines, as well as mixed breeds.
- Support for all felines, as well as mixed breeds.
- Support for dogs and cats of all ages, including puppies, kittens, pregnant dogs and cats.
- Options available for DNA based Parentage determination or confirmation.
- Options available for DNA based Breed determination
- Options available for DNA based Genetic age determination
- Options available for DNA based Preimplantation genetic diagnosis.